The school had previously been designated as Special Measures for many years so this is a real transformation. Staff have worked extremely hard over the past 2 years to drive standards upwards and are delighted to have had their achievements acknowledged by this new OFSTED judgement.

For the school to have been improved so dramatically in under two years is a really special achievement, that we should all be incredibly proud of.

In the report, inspectors praised the school and the Trust for making a transformation of the school over a very short period of time through new leadership, headed by Principal Judith Buckingham, and through the new, strong vision established at the school.

We are especially proud of everyone at the school who has helped achieve this progress during the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic and the return to school.

Within the report, among much more, inspectors wrote:

“Senior leaders have established a new and strong vision for St Luke’s school. The trust, school leaders and staff all share its values. These have brought about a transformation of the school in a short period of time.”

“Staff say how much they ‘love’ the school and how well leaders support them[…] There is a strong sense of community centred on the learning and well-being of the pupils.”

Speaking about what it’s like to attend the school, the inspector noted that “Pupils enjoy attending the school[...] they say that it has become calmer and quieter, and this is helping them to learn more.”

The students at the school should take pride in their achievements and we are very grateful for the support of parents and carers who work so well with us.

We are absolutely delighted that the hard work of the staff at St Luke’s has been acknowledged and the school has now been judged to be a GOOD school.

We continue to be a highly committed staff who are determined to continue to drive standards at the school even higher.